A Non-Comprehensive List of Things That Grind My Gears

We all have our little annoyances in life; I just keep track of mine.

Sophie Grace
3 min readJan 7, 2024
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

grind one’s gears

(informal) To annoy or irritate one.

It really grinds my gears when inconsiderate people litter.

I keep a little list in my notes app of all the things that annoy me. A lot of things annoy me. I think this is a perfectly healthy habit. And why not start the new year by getting a few things off my chest. Start fresh.

If you do not like hearing people complain about stupid things then please do not read this. You’ve been warned. I am a master complainer.

When people pronounce Halloween like Hollow-een.

This one isn’t too serious. It just causes a minor disturbance in my brain when I hear it. And I am sure that it is just a difference in dialect. I think it also just sounds a little pretentious.

I would also like to point out that I never bring up annoyances like this with the people that do them. I know that it is my own problem.

Asking for permission to ask me a question.

